Sunday, June 22, 2008


So my grandparents and my cousins are on a vacation which means that I had to go to church alone.

Now, I know you're probably thinking, "Why doesn't she have her parents going to church too?". And trust me, I don't blame you for thinking that. My Dad is an atheist and my mom......I don't know about my mom but whatever.....

So I was totally alone at church. No cousins, no brothers, no grandparents, nothing. It felt weird since half the congregation usually is my relatives.

And I know the church members wonder where my parents are. I can see their questioning faces every time my brothers and I walk in the building. Except they don't dare ask anyone about it. Espeically near my brothers and I.

And the frustrating part about it is, I have to have my parents there if I wan to become a member. Which is sad. I have been attending that church for almost eight years, and I can't become a member because my parents aren't there.

They're not even going to see me get baptized. (When I do)

But I guess as long as I go to church...everything will be o.k. For now anyways...

Willingly Going To Church Without Parents,
Sarah D.

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